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¿Por qué necesitamos nuestro centro de operaciones?

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In its constant work to facilitate access to food, Banco de Alimentos Mendoza is one of the key actors in providing answers to food sovereignty and security.


The availability of a new space for articulation with the State, the private sector and civil society organizations allows us to continue working on more comprehensive solutions to food insecurity.


With actions aimed at promoting the production and recovery of healthy, varied and sufficient food, strengthening local markets, providing tools to increase the access capacity of vulnerable sectors.

A work space in which we are all part of the design of sustained food policies.

By increasing the capacity to rescue food, we are also increasing the recovery of all the natural, human and economic resources that were used to produce it. In this way we contribute to the reduction of food loss and waste.

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Although it is essential to address the food emergency, we are also aware that it is not the solution. In the interaction with social organizations, we observe that scenarios of hunger and malnutrition are frequent, with families that do not manage to cover the amount of food necessary according to their age, health conditions, and occupation.


"Saberes que Alimentan" is our education program aimed at leaving capacities installed in people, addressing different topics that go through healthy eating, from hygiene habits to the links that are generated around the act of eating together.

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