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A challenge that was born in 2001 and grew thanks to the work of donors, partners, volunteers and social organizations that joined this mission.

The effort has been possible thanks to the synergy of different sectors that challenge us in the fight against hunger and in possible solutions to this problem.

Addressing and responding to the challenges that reality presents us is the engine that sustains the project, committing ourselves to continuous improvement that has a positive impact on communities with food insecurity. 

We invite you to meetour history

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We tell you our story through its protagonists

Banco de Alimentos Mendoza
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Adolfo Brennan - Fundador
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Adolfo Brennan - Fundador

Comedor Estudiantil Santa Faustina
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Comedor Estudiantil Santa Faustina

Mónica Camisasso - Grupo Arcor
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Mónica Camisasso - Grupo Arcor

¿Qué hacemos?
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¿Qué hacemos?

Letter from Fernando Barbera.
Founder of Mendoza Food Bank

Sellado con amor
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