We want to show you our dream, our needs and our reasons so that you join from wherever you can and be part of the fight against one of the biggest scourges in the world.
The increase in the food emergency and the fight against the waste of food suitable for human consumption presents a challenge for Banco de Alimentos Mendoza. We have the obligation to deepen the development of actions to contribute to the elimination of poverty, provide education and protection of the most vulnerable people in the community.
We must make our operation more efficient in a consistent and permanent space that becomes a meeting place that brings together all sectors of society that work and are interested in being part of the fight against hunger. Food donors who prioritize responsibility for the impact of their actions, volunteers who decide to invest their time in the needs of others, contributors who help sustain our operations, and all those social organizations that, far from diminishing their activity, find themselves growing day by day. required.

de almacenaje, clasificación y entrega de alimentos
Currently we develop our task in an operational capacity of 400 mt2. This structure supported the management of reception, classification and delivery of almost 900,000 kg of food in 2021.
The projected space seeks to expand the Bank's work management and develop it in an area of 994 m2, allowing the increase and optimization of storage spaces.
The warehouse is not only the physical place of the food, but it is the space that stores all the values held by those food industries and supermarket chains that choose not to waste food when they are carrying out their activity in a country whose poverty statistics are so alarming as immoral.

Área de clasificación

It is necessary to have a larger space for the classification activity since currently, the place we occupy limits the number of volunteers we can receive.
The new space makes it possible to permanently delimit the classification area. Volunteers can carry out the inspection and classification of the food that we receive donated under adequate conditions. A place where expiration dates, product category and state of its primary and secondary packaging are controlled.

Sala de reuniones
The meeting room is a necessary space for us to continue and improve our internal and institutional relations.
Food donors who are about to decide to join our cause passing through this place wanting to know how we manage their products, responsible companies, representatives of different governments and state bodies, new volunteers who come to ask about the activity, organizations referents who wish to join and those who have already been, for many years, part of our work system.
Here we talk about hunger, possibilities, projects, here alliances and actions are developed.
A meeting room that allows meeting and articulation, teamwork and development.

Sala de usos múltiples

El salón de usos múltiples permite generar un espacio de vinculación y desarrollo con la comunidad.
En cuanto a nuestros talleres de capacitación, actualmente los desarrollamos en las sedes de las organizaciones sociales, limitando su alcance. Contar con un espacio propio nos permite aumentar el impacto del programa de educación, “Saberes que Alimentan”, que sostenemos desde el 2007 y que tiene por objetivo promover el desarrollo humano y social de las comunidades con las cuales trabajamos.
Además de disponer de un espacio propio para la educación, queremos trascender y desarrollar un lugar de encuentro entre distintos sectores en el que seamos partícipes de ideas y proyectos orientados a continuar buscando soluciones ante el flagelo del hambre.